Smart SITE Consulting

SAP Business Solutions

  • We provide a toolset that provide companies the Functionality to handle Retroactive Earnings & Deductions after February Payroll Month, to be Taxed within the Current Tax Period.
    • This Eliminates changes to the Previous Periods EMP201's
    • No more Interest and Penalties from SARS!
    • No more Additional Tax Provision in March!
  • Tax provision is made at the end of February to cater for Retro Adjustments in March and April of each year.
    • This Tax is paid over to the Receiver of Revenue with the February tax payment..
    • This amount can either be over estimated or under estimated.
    • In the last instance, penalties and interest are calculated b the Receiver on "late payment of tax".
  • With the Retro Tax Handler's functionality the estimated tax calculaton won't be necessary.
  • IRP5 electronic files can be submitted as soon as balancing is completed.
  • With the Retro Tax Functionality any earnings captured in the previous tax year, will accrue and be taxed in the new tax year.
  • At the end of February payroll month, the tax reconsiliations and balancing of IRP5's can be completed and electronic files can be submitted.
  • The tax year on SAP can still be kept open after February Payroll Month for a number of periods required by business.
    • This is to complete/ capture all master data for the previous Tax year.
    • Retro earnings captured during this period will accrue and be taxed in the current tax year if the SAP Retro Tax Handler is activated.
  • SARS is planning to increase submission in the near future to uarterly and eventually to monthly.
    • The advantage to employees as tax is current period will be less than the tax in the previous tax year, because of lower tax rates or the same earnings.
  • In the event of receiving mass AWOP's etc. for a previous closed tax year, the following functionality exist:
    • Open the tax year per apyroll area.
    • Open the tax year per Employee or Group of employees.
    • Open the Tax Year for a specific Payroll period.
  • No EMP201 or amended IRP5 needs to be issued.
  • No penalties or interest will accrue on this tax paid over, as this tax was deducted in the current period, which is the new tax year.
  • In the event of receiving promotions/ demotions back dated to the previous tax year, there will not longer be Manual Calculations or Adjustments on the following:
    • Employee Salary;
    • Employee's Leave Entitlement;
    • Employee Annual Bonus;
    • Company Contributions;